INEE was founded in 1992 and started operating in the begining of the following year. The Institute has the folowing structure for governance:
General Assembly
The General Assembly, periodically brings the associates together and is the highest organ for governance on all subjects of the running of the Institute, including the election of the Board of Directors and the Executive Directors.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is composed of seven INEE associates elected by the General Assembly and the President. It is in charge of overseeing the long range policies of INEE as proposed by the Executive Directors.
Marcos José Marques - President
Angelo Vian
Carlos Alberto Afonso
Luiz Augusto Horta Nogueira
Luiz Otavio Aleotti Maia
Marina Godoy Assumpção
Mário Fernando Melo Santos
Paulo César C. Tavares
Executive Directors
Is composed of four members invited by the Board of Directors and approved by the General Assembly:
Jayme Buarque de Hollanda - General Director
Fernando C S Milanez - Diretor
Osório de Brito - Director
Pietro Erber - Director
Fiscal Council
The fiscal council is charged with examining the financial statements of the society and presenting its opinion for the approval of the General Assembly. Its members are:
Carlos Saboia Monte
Acher Mossé
Michael Vahrenkamp
Advisory Council
The advisory Council is formed by professionals of renowned experience in their field:
Acher Mossé
Adilson de Oliveira
Almir Fernandes
Altino Ventura Filho
Antonio Barros de Castro
Antonio Dias Leite
Carlos Eduardo de S. Figueiredo
Carlos Feu Alvim
Carlos Roberto Silvestrin
Claudia Barroso Krause
Claudio R. Frischtak
Diogo Galhardo
Edison Tito Guimarães
Fernando de Castro S. Milanez
Gilberto de Martino Jannuzzi
Howard Geller
Isaias Macedo
Jerzy Lepecki
João Camilo Penna
João Carlos Mayrinck
José da Costa Carvalho Neto
José Israel Vargas
José Roberto da Costa Moreira
Júlio Maria Borges
Luiz Pinguelli Rosa
Marcia A. Sena Souza
Marcílio Marques Moreira
Marco Aurélio P. de Carvalho
Mário Porto
Newton do Amaral Figueiredo
Orlando Puppin
Paulo César C. Tavares
Rogério Manso
Xisto Vieira Filho